Grace Fellowship Church is committed to continually beholding the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ so that we may become his image bearers, bringing his blessing to all of his creation.
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When God created Adam & Eve, he created them in his image and likeness so that they might share in his rule and reign as his representatives. They were to reflect his gracious reign over all creation, being fruitful and multiplying, filling the earth with his blessing.
Because sin marred the image of God in Adam and all his offspring, rather than spreading his blessing to his creation, we only spread the curse and its effects. All creation is currently groaning under the strain, awaiting the revelation of the children of God.
But as we behold Jesus and are transformed into his image and likeness once more, Christians become salt and light, bringing preservation of life and beauty to all of creation. We take the good news of Christ's New Creation reign to every corner of the earth, inviting all to join in the joy of the Creator of the world and the only Saviour this world will ever know.
We bless his creation by reflecting him to this world until he appears. In that moment, we will finally be like him because we will see him as he is. In that moment our faith will finally become sight.