This Is My Father's World

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This Is My Father's World

Who is God? Why were we created? What does it mean to be human? How should that inform our thinking and behaviour? Pastor Julian will teach a series on foundational truths for a theologically informed worldview through this fall, called "This Is My Father's World."

November 27, 2016

What Does Our Father's World Need?

Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: This Is My Father's World Passage: Genesis 1:1– 4:26

November 20, 2016

The Birth, Life, and Death of Prayer

Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: This Is My Father's World Passage: Genesis 4:25–26

November 6, 2016

Live by God's Word

Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: This Is My Father's World

September 25, 2016

Male & Female

Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: This Is My Father's World

September 18, 2016


Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: This Is My Father's World