April 26, 2015

Othniel, Ehud, and the God Who Saves

Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: A People in Need of a King Scripture: Judges 3:7–31

Judges 3.7-31: Othniel, Ehud, and the God Who Saves

  1. In Both Stories A Saviour Is Needed Because of the Sin of the People
  2. In Both Stories God's Providence in His Discipline & Deliverance Is Evident
  3. In Both Stories the Turning Point Comes When People Cry Out for Deliverance
  4. In Both Stories God Delivers through a Deliverer, but in Both Stories, the Saviour Sent Is Insufficient

other sermons in this series

Jun 14


Epilogue Part 2: A Final Eye Check

Preacher: Julian Freeman Scripture: Judges 19:1– 21:1 Series: A People in Need of a King

Jun 7


Epilogue - When People Pursue Sin

Preacher: Julian Freeman Scripture: Judges 17:1– 18:1 Series: A People in Need of a King