May 3, 2015

Deborah and Barak - Responding to God

Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: A People in Need of a King Scripture: Judges 4:1– 5:1

Scripture Outline

1. Believe That God Is Who He Says He Is

2. Humble Yourself Under God's Mighty Hand

3. Never Stop Pondering the Glorious Wisdom of God in His Mysterious Gospel

4. Celebrate His Deliverance with Joy

other sermons in this series

Jun 14


Epilogue Part 2: A Final Eye Check

Preacher: Julian Freeman Scripture: Judges 19:1– 21:1 Series: A People in Need of a King

Jun 7


Epilogue - When People Pursue Sin

Preacher: Julian Freeman Scripture: Judges 17:1– 18:1 Series: A People in Need of a King