March 17, 2019

Philemon - Forgive as God has Forgiven You

Preacher: Nabil Tadros Series: Standalone Sermons Scripture: Philemon 1:1–25

1. Definition of Forgiveness
2. Model of Forgiveness
3. Illustration of Forgiveness: Philemon and Onesimus

a) Faithfulness (A heart that is ready and willing to forgive)
b) Confession (Repentance)
c) Justice (Penalty/Consequences)
d) Cleansing (Remembering sin no more)

other sermons in this series

Dec 29


Mark 9:2-13 - The Glory of Christ

Preacher: James Bi Scripture: Mark 9:2–13 Series: Standalone Sermons

Dec 1


Acts 4:34-5:11

Preacher: P. McDonald Scripture: Acts 4:34– 5:11 Series: Standalone Sermons