Hebrews 11 - Hold Fast When You're Tempted to Fall Away
Preacher: Darryl Dash Series: Above All, Jesus Scripture: Hebrews 11:1–40
Here’s what faith is (11:1-3, 6).
- Things hoped for — things in the future that have not yet happened
- Things not seen — things that happened in the past that we didn’t see
Here’s what faith looks like (11:4-40).
other sermons in this series
Apr 14
Hebrews 13:18-25 - A Personal Gospel Blessing
Preacher: Darryl Dash Scripture: Hebrews 13:18–25 Series: Above All, Jesus
Apr 7
Hebrews 13:7-19 - The Greatness of Jesus Applied at Church
Preacher: Darryl Dash Scripture: Hebrews 13:7–19 Series: Above All, Jesus
Mar 17
Hebrews 13:1-6 - The Greatness of Jesus Applied
Preacher: Darryl Dash Scripture: Hebrews 13:1–6 Series: Above All, Jesus