Epilogue - When People Pursue Sin
Preacher: Julian Freeman Series: A People in Need of a King Scripture: Judges 17:1– 18:1
Sermon Outline:
1. The Eyes that Seek Out Sin Grow Blind
2. The Feet that Run to Selfish Gain Lead to Nothing
3. The Hearts Inclined to Sin Are Contagious
4. The Knees of Those without a King Must Bow
other sermons in this series
Jun 14
Epilogue Part 2: A Final Eye Check
Preacher: Julian Freeman Scripture: Judges 19:1– 21:1 Series: A People in Need of a King
May 31
Samson: Simply See Our Need for A True Deliverer
Preacher: Julian Freeman Scripture: Judges 13:1– 16:1 Series: A People in Need of a King
May 24
Jephthah and a World of Hopelessness
Preacher: Julian Freeman Scripture: Judges 10:1– 12:1 Series: A People in Need of a King