January 21, 2018

God the Father: The Architect of Our Salvation

Preacher: Paul Martin Series: Standalone Sermons Topic: Knowing God Scripture: Ephesians 1:3–6

God the Father: The Architect of Our Salvation

  1. When He saved us, He gave us all the good there is to have (vs 3)
  2. When He saved us, He made good on His pre-creation choice to make us acceptable to Him forever (vs 4)
  3. When He saved us, He fulfilled His loving plan to bring us into His family (vss 5-6)

other sermons in this series

Dec 29


Mark 9:2-13 - The Glory of Christ

Preacher: James Bi Scripture: Mark 9:2–13 Series: Standalone Sermons

Dec 1


Acts 4:34-5:11

Preacher: P. McDonald Scripture: Acts 4:34– 5:11 Series: Standalone Sermons