February 25, 2024

Hebrews 12:1-2 - Run With Endurance

Preacher: Darryl Dash Series: Above All, Jesus Scripture: Hebrews 12:1–2

  1. Lay aside every encumbrance (12:1)
  • Sins
  • Anything that slows you down
  1. Look to Jesus (12:2)

other sermons in this series

Apr 14


Hebrews 13:18-25 - A Personal Gospel Blessing

Preacher: Darryl Dash Scripture: Hebrews 13:18–25 Series: Above All, Jesus

Mar 17


Hebrews 13:1-6 - The Greatness of Jesus Applied

Preacher: Darryl Dash Scripture: Hebrews 13:1–6 Series: Above All, Jesus